Thursday, March 12, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Dear Lord, Thank you for this snowy day. I praise you for your beauty and your creation. Thank you for your covenant which makes us white as snow. We don't deserve your free gift of righteousness and justification, but you give it anyway. Lord thank you for your love and your grace and your mercy. Thank you for giving us your Son Jesus, even when we are at our worst. Lord I pray that all of our youth will feel blessed to know you. I pray that they will know how much they are loved by you. I pray that they will be filled with the knowledge of your forgiveness. I pray that they will see that you see us as pure and as white as snow. Lord may we fully accept the gift of Jesus. May we have a smile on our faces as we go into your world and share the gift with others. May we allow others to see and realize what you have done through Jesus. Lord may we show the same love, mercy, and grace. Lord protect our teens from harm and temptation. Bless them as they go into the weekend and Spring Break. Lord give them rest and a renewal of strength. I praise your name. Let your love Snow Down on us today! AMEN

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